
Reward Menus

Reward Ideas:

 The following rewards can be used as school-based rewards. Remember that these items are usually reinforcing to most children. However, what is reinforcing to one child may not be reinforcing to another. Teachers need to make sure that a child wants one of these potential reinforcers and will work for it before the reward is used. 

 1. Free time for X minutes 
2. Talk to best friend 
3. Listen to music
4. Read/look at a special book 
5. Help clean up classroom 
6. Emply recycling 
7. Draw on or clean the white board 
8. Be teacher’s helper 
9. Eat lunch outside
10. Extra time at recess 
11. Write on chalkboard 
12. Use magic markers 
13. Draw a picture 
14. Choose book to read to the class 
15. Tell an approved joke to the class 
16. Read with a friend 
17. Care for class animals 
18. Play “teacher” 
19. Decorate bulletin board 
20. Be messenger for office 
21. Organize papers 
 22. Have a treat 
23. Wear a special pin/badge 
24. Earn a short video for class 
25. Student of the Day/Month 
26. Pop popcorn 
27. Be a line leader 
28. Visit the janitor 
29. Use the computer 
30. Make special sign for the classroom 
31. Teach a classmate 
32. Choose stickers 
33. Take a good note home 
34. Receive a positive phone call 
35. Receive “class cheer” 
36. Hide a special note in desk 
37. Choose seat for specific time 
38. Playing card games 
39. Receive award certificate 
40. Draw from “grab bag” 
41. Eat at special table 
42. Visit the principal 

Sample DRC Reward Menu:

Previous Making Rewards Meaningful
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