
Engaging Parents in the Daily Report Card Process

Included is a checklist of steps to engage your students’ parents in the Daily Report Card process.


 The goal of this discussion is to let the parents know you will begin using the daily report card (DRC) and discuss how they can stay informed about their child’s progress and be involved in supporting their child’s success in the intervention. 

Step 1: Introducing the DRC

  • Describe the types of problems the child is having (mention specific behaviors (e.g., out of seat and interrupting others) rather than broad descriptive terms (e.g. disruptive, annoying to others). 
  • Introduce the DRC as a behavior plan that can help the child succeed at school 
  • Provide an overview of how the DRC works o Giving the child concrete goals tailored to his or her needs 
    • Providing the child-specific feedback around these goals 
    • Rewarding the child for achieving his or her goals 
  • Highlight the effectiveness of the DRC for improving student behavior and academics 

Step 2: Explaining the Details of the DRC

  • Review the behaviors that will be targeted with the intervention 
  • Elicit suggestions for behaviors to target (optional) 
  • Explain numerical goals and how you determine if goals are met for each day 
  • Remind the parent of your role in daily implementation o Remind the child of goals each morning 
    • Provide feedback on goals throughout the day 
    • Review whether or not goals were met at the end of day 
    • Provide rewards based on how the child met these goals 
    • Send the DRC home each day 

Step 3: Explaining How the Parent Can Be Involved

  • Explain essential parent components o Review the DRC each day 
    • Praise successes 
    • Sign the DRC 
    • Return DRC next day 
  • Encourage the parent to ask to see the DRC each day after school 
  • Highlight the importance of focusing on the positives when reviewing the DRC 
  • Explain the utility of the DRC for facilitating home-school communication 
  • Offer additional ways parents can be involved (optional) o Attending DRC launch meeting 
    • Attending DRC periodic review meetings 
    • Setting up a home-based reward system 
  • Inform the parent of your expected intervention start date 


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